
viernes, 15 de octubre de 2010

Bon y los enemigos del silencio part II

Another one, this is just a colaboration for Aleks Syntek (a mexican popstar more related to electronic music). Hasta el fin del mundo (Till the end of the world) it's darn catchy and I suspect strongly that all of you will love this video for some few reasons ;)
Enjoy it then.

Enhanced by Zemanta

14 comentarios:

JillDine dijo...

lol those mexican popstars make me lol all the time

Nerd Life dijo...

que increible!

vibe dijo...


J. Antonio dijo...

Revisa a "Rostros ocultos" el final.
Buenisima cancion

Unknown dijo...

Great post. Showing support!

Angel dijo...

cool vid, not a bad song either.

thecatzpajamas dijo...

i use to jam to this at work coz i was in a spanish restaurant ha

razortek dijo...

fullowin 'n' suppin bro :)


TheModTimes dijo...

Hahaha got to love spanish people

AKIBA-POP! dijo...


The Square Circle dijo...

they make me laugh as well. ha.

Joebloggs dijo...

this is a good report, keep posting man!

Discerning Gentleman dijo...

interesting, I like this... keep up the good work

El Trombone dijo...

This was actually really good... and retarded.